Untitled, Much Like Unrequited Love, 2024, 30cm x 40cm, Giclée print on Hahnemühle Photorag

Much Like Unrequited Love

Much Like Unrequited Love is an exersise in finding beauty in the austerity of winter. This series captures the raw essence of cold nights through the stark silhouettes of bare branches, illuminated solely by the artificial glow of streetlamps. Each image, rendered in monochrome, strips away the distractions of colour, focusing on the interplay of light and shadow.

The choice of black and white accentuates the graphic nature of the scenes, highlighting the contrast between the dark of the night and the sparse, yet striking, illumination of the streetlights. The branches, tangled and exposed, mirror the complex emotions that winter often evokes – unyielding, yet not without a harsh kind of beauty.

In this visual narrative, the harshness of winter parallels the concept of unrequited love—a season-long, dark, and sometimes relentless, but not without moments of beauty and illumination. Just as unrequited love can be painful yet strangely beautiful, the winter nights captured in these photographs reveal a serene, if stark, beauty amidst their bleakness.

This project is a contemplation on endurance and finding light in the darkest of times. It invites viewers to seek and appreciate the subtle beauty in winter's severity, much like finding warmth in the cold embrace of unrequited love.