Untitled, Made Beds, 2021-2022, 29mm x 38mm, Giclée print on Hahnemühle Photorag

made Beds

Made Beds – a companion project to Unmade Beds – serves as a reflective exploration of humans’ attempt to control and aestheticise nature, the noticeable dance both within city boundaries and the rural expanses.

In the pursuit of accessibility, paths have been carved and amenities introduced, making the wilderness more approachable. Trees, once symbols of untamed freedom, are now pruned, pollarded, and frequently encased in concrete. Iconic British gardens, such as those under the National Trust embed drainage systems. New builds create ‘green spaces’ within concrete forms.

With the spread of urban areas, there arises a question: will these verdant pockets disappear, or will they suffer neglect due to dwindling budgets? Only time will reveal whether cities will embrace nature or opt for complete concretisation. In the interim, this collection offers a glimpse into the ongoing tug-of-war between the natural and built environments.